Game Mechanics
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Role relies on having a variety of game mechanics designed to interplay.
Major Mechanics
Article Actions
Actions are a characters way of exerting their influence on the world.
Actions consist of a roll for success (which may be implied succes) and effects which carry out depending on tha nature of the roll.
Article Augmentation
Augmentations are the application of effects to a character for some duration or under some condition.
Article Bardsong
Bardsong is not necessarily literal bardsong but mechanics that allow news of player’s feats to travel, quests to be spun up, destinies forged, buffs designed, and much more.
Article Community
Community describes the levels of grouping or ‘guilding’ that players are able to work with.
Article Creation
Creation describes a set of mechanics and tools related to the creative aspects of Role. The main objective of creative mechanics is to give the player a hand in every other mechanic to create content with.
Article Crime
Cities can punish crime, define crimes and administer justice.
Damage Types
Article Damage Types
Different damage types can create different effects or affect different armor types differently.
Article Economy
An economy that seeks to remove a lot of the numbers and replace them with social contract and story.
Article Effects
Effects are the equivalent of functions in programming. They do things to the game engine. A spell will have effects that is applies to the enemy, often in the form of augmentations. Actions cause effects, etc.
Article Imperitives
Imperitives are the needs that living beings have.
Article Karma
Karma is the games way of getting you back for being non-RP antisocial.
Physical Properties
Article Physical Properties
Physical properties describe those nasty realities involved in carrying things around and vehicles and whatnot. Mass, weight, Volume.
Article Pools
Pools are things like Health and Stamina which can be drained away and must be replenished.
Role has a very unique set of pools that open the door to MMO social gameplay.
Article Rolls
Rolls are how we decide if you succeed or fail.
Article Skills
Skills are a measure of how good you are at something.
Article Social
Article Stats
Article Story
Article Craft
Some items are created to be craftable and the people who create them are called tradespeople.