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Story Weaving

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Roleplaying is all about creating stories, this can be difficult in a world that doesn’t listen.

In Role, everyone is constantly being encouraged to weave stories, the Rewards for storyweaving depend on what the storyweaver seeks, but include:

Day to Day StoryWeaving

The most common of stories are those which happen in the day-to-day. One of the most accessible ways of modifying your character is in day-to-day storytelling. By placing yourself in a story you stand to gain a token reward that you can use whenever you desire. Think of it as gaining a favour to be used at a later time, or a prized jewel to be sold on a rainy day.

‘Favours’ can be called in, collected, or consigned out to others as a stand in for something they may need that you do not have.

A favour usually comes at the expense of someone else, though they generally don’t feel this cost or they pay it straight away thus releasing their end of the bargain.

Someone who has just been robbed has a slightly lower wealth stat for a while, however they end up with loose ends that they can tie up into more favours while they wait for their shop to recover.

The thief can hang onto their wares to sell at the right time to increase their wealth stat for a time.

Loose Ends

A loose end is an open ended story component, whenever someone goes about storyweaving, it creates loose ends. Well designed quests should create many loose ends that allow people to connect their own story or get a quest started for themselves.


Destiny is one form of Story Weaving. Manifesting ones destiny is a combination of the recognition of the stories that came before you, and the forging of your own tale as a new link in the chain.

Destiny by Archetype

These destinies are reserved for those who say, which to become masters of the necromantic arts. The more archetypes that umbrella the mastery you seek, the more arduous the task will be.

Destiny by Skill

Let’s say you only want to master one aspect of the necromantic arts, something a little more specific and tied to a skill… This is the destiny for you! Some skills may require destinies manifest to progress.

Destiny by Lust

When you want something really specific, a warning: a destiny of lust is unstable and attempting to seek any other destiny while enjoying the benefits of it will almost certainly come to catastrophic end.

Story Weaving and Destiny

For your own destiny, the tricks of those before you will not meet the circumstances you face and there will come at least one point where you have to find your own path and solution to the challenge ahead of you.

Your choice matters, it will be the line the bards sing, that the criers call. If it is immortality the hero seeks, this is their opportunity to grasp it.

If nobody is there to hear your song, you will be granted a fair roll, your chance to become immortalized will not be lost, the bards will still sing of you, when there are souls to hear the tale.

Canonical Weaves

Canonical story weaves are those which are prominant and permanent in the world. These are parts of the world which are governed by a body of individuals in wiki format. Major elements of any good story including the manifest destiny should be be reviewed and scrutinized by Canonical Weavers.

Canonical weavers utilize tools of creation to modify and create game assets. This is a role suited for someone who perhaps has a story to tell or wants to feel more like a game master than an adventurer.