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Rolling and 20’s

Player stats are based on a system of 20 and rolls are performed between 1-20. This creates a nice mapping between the dice roll and the character’s stats and gives a very intuitive reference for how skilled an enemy is in a particular area.


There are four basic outcomes to any roll:

Critical Failure, Cricital Success, failure and success.

In the case of Critical Failure (all dice come up 1), the worst possible outcome is bestowed on the player. While in the case of Critical Success (20 or all dice come up max), the best possible outcome is bestowed on the player.

These outcomes are generally thought of the desired outcome plus. That is to say a critical failure goes above and beyond the normal disastrous failure and a critical success goes above and beyond the action you were trying to achieve.

Success and failure rolls may vary and the degree upon which they vary can shift based on levels of relevant skills and the Degree of Success.

The Degree of Success is the difference the player’s rolled value and the success threshold they had to roll (target - roll). If you just succeeded (you rolled exactly the number you needed for success) your Degree of Success is zero. Negative values mean that you failed and rolled above the threshold and positive values represent successes.