return to Game Mechanics
Role Players are given the gift of creation. Nearly all elements of gameplay are within the sphere of player control should they desire it.
Areas Beyond Creation
Role players are not allowed to create or modify the following aspects of the game:
- The Base Statistics or for the most part, how they behave. (some exceptions may exist in zone specific settings). You are free to roll against and utilize these skills but never shall there be more. (Meta Stats are a different story….)
- Skills or Actions whose behaviour interacts too closely with the game engine. Currently those skills are:
- None!
- The core mechanics of combat, social and general gameplay. There’s room for modifiers and additions but the game should feel uniform throughout on that basic level.
Areas of Explicit Creation
Some areas should be arranged to be obscenely easy to create content for. The objective is to make all content creation mechanics easy to use- but by their merits, some will be more easy than others.
- Map making and decorating
- Quest Building
- Item Creation
- Creating simple, unique entities (containers, shelves, switches)
- Drawing sprites and textures
- Adding Skills, Actions and Augmentations.
- (Probably) adding and embedding items into imperitives.
- Adding secrets to things
- Expanding NPC dialogs
- Creating Books
Manifesting Creations
It isn’t just a matter of spawning your new item or starting your new quest, you will need to manifest it, to make it real
Adding new Maps
Depending on the size and purpose of the map, you will need to make certain preparations before your new zoneline can be considered open.
- Resident permission: If you’re trying to put a new zoneline in a populated city or a zone owned by someone else it will require permissions. These processes can be automated or approved by committe, some proprotion of community members currently online
- Exploration stories must be spun on limited access basis, the zone must be completely explored before it is freely accesssible. Exploration requirements scale up with zone size.
- During this time canonical writers are free to enter the zone and begin commenting and proposing changes that should be made. The zone owner is free to implement the proposals directly.
- Once the stories are completed adventurers are free to comment on any major issues, these will be raised just before the zone is opened and from there it is up to both parties to decide to open the zone or take that feedback and revise.
- If either party disappears and allows a vote or action on their end to expire, the project is allowed to continue without them. If a community or residents of the connected zone have a large proportion of objections, the zoneline will be scrapped.
- Scrapped zones are kept in mental holdings by the creator.
- Areas that are considered wild are free game, though only so many zone lines can exist in an area.
- If a zone has pre-built entities material costs of those entities will have to be garnered / storied.
Decorative Entities
Tools of Creation
Each aspect of creation should have a custom built tool, and these tools should feel as though they are a part of the game.
Map Making
Article Map Tools
Players create maps using the built in editor.
There are tools and items / effects that allow map modifications to occur on temporary basis however the tools outlined here are for permanently changing the landscape.
Map data is modifiable on the following levels:
- Height data (the geometry of the map itself)
- Texture mapping (the wall and floor patterns)
- Detail placements (higher resolution details)
- Spawn placements
- Zone rules and overrides
Quest Building
Article Paint Tools