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Bringing Roleplaying back to Roleplaying Games.


return to Game Mechanics

Role Players are given the gift of creation. Nearly all elements of gameplay are within the sphere of player control should they desire it.

Areas Beyond Creation

Role players are not allowed to create or modify the following aspects of the game:

Areas of Explicit Creation

Some areas should be arranged to be obscenely easy to create content for. The objective is to make all content creation mechanics easy to use- but by their merits, some will be more easy than others.

Manifesting Creations

It isn’t just a matter of spawning your new item or starting your new quest, you will need to manifest it, to make it real


Adding new Maps

Depending on the size and purpose of the map, you will need to make certain preparations before your new zoneline can be considered open.



Decorative Entities

Tools of Creation

Each aspect of creation should have a custom built tool, and these tools should feel as though they are a part of the game.

Map Making

Article Map Tools

Players create maps using the built in editor.

There are tools and items / effects that allow map modifications to occur on temporary basis however the tools outlined here are for permanently changing the landscape.

Map data is modifiable on the following levels:

Quest Building


Article Paint Tools